11 Methods for Effective Smoking Cessation
When you quit smoking, your chances of developing lung-related diseases lessen drastically. There is no particular method to quit smoking that suits everyone. But one can try from the various options availabe. Here are 15 effective methods for smoking cessation that you can try.
Mental Preparation
An effective way of quitting smoking is to give yourself an ulterior motive to quit. Whenever you have an urge, remind yourself of the numerous ways in which you are doing the right thing. For example, you save money, you become healthier, and you feel fantastic.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
You can speak to your doctor about nicotine replacement therapy. The options can include lozenges, nicotine gum, sprays, and inhalers. The aim of this therapy is to provide you nicotine without tobacco. People who have tried this therapy are more likely to quit smoking altogether.
Going cold turkey isn’t for everyone, so you might need medications. Gewtting prescribed medications is one of the most effective methods for smoking cessation. Varenicline and bupropion can be prescribed for your doctor to help deal with withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings.
Staying Away From Triggers
Triggers can make you to want to smoke. You may want to sit down and think about the situations that trigger you to smoke, and stay away from such situations whenever possible. You’d also want to then plan what to do instead. For example, if you smoked when you are stressed, you can listen to music instead.
Spending Time with Non-smokers
Doing things by yourself might not be your cup of tea, in which case, you can spend time with people who don’t smoke. You can play sports with people who don’t smoke or try a new hobby, such as cooking with your partner. These can help keep you busy so you don’t go toward smoking.
Asking for Help
One of the most effective methods for smoking cessation is behavioral therapy. You can work with your counselor to find out the best ways that will work for you so you quit smoking. You can speak to your loved ones or even explore online support so you can quit smoking.
Relaxation Techniques
Many people smoke because of stress. If this is what you do as well, then try relaxation techniques that can help you. You can learn deep breathing exercises or you can try visualizing. You can even listen to music that helps you calm down. Relaxation techniques can be helpful when stress is your trigger.
Keeping Your Mouth Busy
When you have a strong craving, it becomes difficult to ignore it. If you’re too are used to smoking, you should keep your mouth busy. This canbe done by eating sugarless gum, which will distract you or by eating healthy fruits or nuts that are healthier for you and your wellbeing.
Rewiring Your Brain
One of the effective methods for smoking cessation is going cold turkey if you have the will. You might want to have that one cigarette but you know when you smoke that one, you will get back into the habit again. You want to tell yourself to not even have the first cigarette.
Exercising to Keep Yourself Distracted
Exercising can help lower your urge to have a cigarette. Whenever you have an urge, you can take your dog out for a walk or go for a jog by yourself. If you cannot move because you are in your office, then try doing pushups or squats as these can help distract you.
Delaying the Urge to Smoke
You will have a strong urge to smoke because it was your habit. Whenever you have such an urge, you want to delay it for as long as possible. You should do something else so that you are not thinking about smoking anymore. For example, you can go to the library or start a new sporting activity.
At the end of the day, how determined you are and how willing you are to quit smoking make all the difference. Trying different effective methods for smoking cessation can help you quit smoking for good. You can always speak to your doctor if you are having trouble quitting smoking.