4 Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps
General Health

4 Warning Signs of Nasal Polyps

Nasal polyps refer to growths in the nasal cavity or sinus. They are mostly non-cancerous but can lead to other health problems like breathing trouble and sleep apnea if they grow in size due to lack of treatment. Early diagnosis of nasal polyps can help provide timely treatment, and the following symptoms and warning signs of nasal polyps can facilitate early detection: Symptoms that affect the nose One of the symptoms and warning signs of nasal polyps is a runny nose. A very common symptom, a runny nose can also occur due to other reasons like a common cold, but if it is accompanied by other symptoms, one should approach a doctor for further analysis. The common symptoms of nasal polyps include: A runny nose. Postnasal drip, which occurs when mucus from the nose drips into the back of the throat. A stuffy nose with a feeling that there is something blocking the nose, which may be accompanied by nasal congestion. Sometimes, a person may experience difficulty breathing because of a feeling of obstruction in the nose. This can be a clear symptom and warning sign of nasal polyps. The presence of nasal polyps can affect the functioning of the nose.
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Skin Cancer Symptoms and Different Types
General Health

Skin Cancer Symptoms and Different Types

Your skin is made up of different cells that play distinct roles from each other. The round basal cells just below the surface help replace dead and flaky squamous cells on the surface of the skin. Merkel cells enable the sense to touch, and melanocytes help tan the skin. Skin cancers often begin in the cells of the superficial layers of the skin called the epidermis. While most skin cancers rarely spread to other parts of the body, specific skin cancer types like malignant melanoma can metastasize and become life-threatening. The out-of-control growth of abnormal cells in the epidermis is often the result of DNA damages. The mutations can cause the skin cells to multiply rapidly to form tumors. The main causes of skin cancers are harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun and using UV tanning machines. The different types of skin cancer are divided into four main types and they are: Basal cell carcinoma This cancer develops within the base cell layers of the skin below the epidermis. It’s that area of the skin that receives maximum sun exposure. It’s a very slow-growing cancer, and it’s even for this cancer to metastasize or spread. However, leaving it untreated for a long time can spread elsewhere, including nearby lymph nodes.
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Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
General Health

Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where an individual’s breathing stops and starts repeatedly throughout sleep. The frequent and involuntary pauses in breath results from blocked airways or some signaling problem in the brain, namely obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea respect Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder where an individual’s breathing stops and starts repeatedly throughout sleep. The frequent and involuntary pauses in breath result from blocked airways or some signaling problems in the brain, namely obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea, respectively. This process will happen unknowingly throughout the sleep, and the person will start sniffing, taking deep breaths, or even awaken with gasping or choking sensations. If left untreated, this condition can be dangerous and can lead to serious health complications like heart diseases. It can also increase the risk of feeling drowsy while working or while driving, leading to accidents. Signs and symptoms of sleep apnea are pretty different during the daytime and the night. However, it’s important to know some hard-hitting facts about sleep apnea. These key points about sleep apnea are: One in five individuals have mild symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea, and one in fifteen people have severe symptoms of sleep apnea.
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Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy
General Health

Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy often develops in children, and is a group of genetic disorders that affects normal body movements. The individual cannot control the movements of their muscles since there is a significant loss of nerve cells in the spinal cord and the brain stem. This disease causes significant muscle loss and causes excessive weakness. This neurological condition is a type of motor neuron disease, and the individual cannot walk, control head movements, breathe, or swallow properly. You often see that there’s a significant change in the shape of the limbs, the spine, or chest due to muscle loss and weakness. While there is no cure for this condition, there are several Treatment Options for Spinal Muscle Atrophy that help a person live a fuller life. The treatment includes two medications that are approved by the FDA. These medications are gene therapies that affect the genes that are involved with Spinal muscular atrophy. These genes give clear instructions to your body to help make proteins that aid in controlling muscle movement. Spinraza (Nusinersen) Four initial doses last for nearly two months, and this drug alters the SMN2 gene to encourage more protein production. This medicine can be administered for children and adults.
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Understanding the Early Warning Signs of Hepatitis C
General Health

Understanding the Early Warning Signs of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral infection of the contaminated blood causing liver inflammation, and in severe cases, liver damage. However, most people with Hepatitis C don’t show symptoms during the early stages. The disease can develop from toxins, autoimmune processes, certain medications, and infections of the blood. However, there are several cases that show the early warning signs of Hepatitis C that require immediate attention to administer timely treatment. Nausea Often, you feel a queasy or an odd feeling in the stomach, and it worsens when your tummy is empty. However, you also have a strong feeling that you cannot eat anything. Vomiting There will be frequent bouts of vomiting, and it will usually be unbearable to hold. You might also notice a bloody or dark coffee ground-like appearance in the vomit that can be a sign of internal bleeding. You need to visit your doctor immediately. Loss of appetite A prominent signal among the early warning signs of hepatitis C is a severe loss of appetite. You will hate even your favorite dish, and you cannot even stand the smell. If nothing looks or sounds good, you’ve lost appetite significantly. Bruising A prominent sign of Hepatitis C is when the platelets in your blood are insufficient to enable proper clotting.
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3 Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Help ADHD
General Health

3 Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Help ADHD

Studies show that nearly 4% of adults in the country, which means around 9 million people, have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Also, about 9% (6.1 million) children suffer from this condition. Let’s look at the best ways to manage this condition with lifestyle changes: Challenges in ADHD Living with ADHD poses a challenge for both adults and children and their families, friends, caregivers, teachers, and other service providers. One may find it difficult to cope with symptoms like inability to work to a schedule and complete a task, procrastination, impulsive behaviors, and an inability to focus. Environmental factors, societal attitudes, and social circumstances play significant roles in how the symptoms of ADHD present themselves. Exposure to environmental toxins like vehicular and industrial pollution and excessive use of plastics during early childhood are factors that may contribute to developing the condition. Social deprivation, parenting styles, obesity, sleep disorders, and dependence on electronic media are among the other important aspects that influence the risk of this condition. Common treatment programs for ADHD include medication, counseling, and cognitive behavior therapy, but evidence also points to the benefits of lifestyle options for managing ADHD. Get plenty of sleep:  People diagnosed with ADHD usually experience sleep deprivation because the nature of the condition keeps them on high energy levels for a long time.
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5 Tasty, Healthy, and Safe Snacks for Diabetics
General Health

5 Tasty, Healthy, and Safe Snacks for Diabetics

Snacking while managing diabetes can get tricky. You need to find something to eat that is rich in protein, healthy fats, fiber, etc., and doesn’t cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate. Healthy snacking also has the added benefits of helping you lose weight and keeping your energy levels high. Given below are five healthy and safe snacks for diabetics that are delicious to taste and easy to make. Greek yogurt and fruits Sweet, healthy, and packed with nutrients, a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt and berries is one of the best safe snacks for diabetics. Berries are rich in antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in the pancreas (the organ responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels) and fiber that helps in digestion and stabilizing blood sugar levels after you eat. Greek yogurt is recommended instead of a regular one because it has a smoother texture and more protein. It’s also rich in carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and probiotics that promote gut health. Hard-boiled eggs Quick and easy to make, hard-boiled eggs are one among the safe snacks for diabetics. As hard-boiled eggs provide as much as 6gm of protein in one serving, they are great for controlling blood sugar levels. Research shows that having two hard-boiled eggs a day led to a reduction of fasting blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1c in diabetics.
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Foods to Eat and Avoid with Gout
General Health

Foods to Eat and Avoid with Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis that happens when crystals form around a joint due to high uric acid levels in the blood. Uric acid is accumulated in the body when it breaks down high purine levels, which occurs naturally and is found in several foods. The three main goals of a diet for those suffering from gout is to reduce their purine intake, increase the consumption of foods that control uric acid levels, and reach a healthy body weight. While these diets do not cure gout completely, they help in the prevention of gout attacks and an increase in damage to the joints. It’s also best to remember that while a proper diet helps ease the symptoms from gout, medication is still necessary. Given below are a few dietary tips for gout that you can follow to manage this condition. What to eat One of the best dietary tips for gout is to consume foods that are low in purine. These include: While eating a lot of fresh vegetables is recommended, there are certain ones like spinach and asparagus with high purine levels. Dairy products like yogurt and skimmed milk, which have low or zero fat in them. Healthy fats and oils which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids Nuts and grains (this includes peanut butter, but preferably get the natural, oil and sugar-free variety) Eggs in moderation Complex carbohydrates, including bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.
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Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment of Melanoma
General Health

Prevention, Symptoms, and Treatment of Melanoma

Melanoma is the most serious and the most dangerous type of skin cancer that develops in melanocytes. These are skin cells or the pigments that give your skin its color. While melanoma can develop on areas of the body exposed to the sun, it can also form in the eyes. Melanoma can spread to the lymph nodes, the brain, lungs, and liver. Speaking of Melanoma: prevention, symptoms, and treatment as a whole, overexposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun is the leading cause. However, significant causes also include excessive usage of tanning lamps and beds. Limiting yourself to sun exposure is the first step you should take to prevent developing this deadly skin condition. The symptoms of melanoma The first signs of melanoma appear as unusual moles that are asymmetric in shape with a ragged border and uneven coloration. A mole that itches and bleeds is also one of the early warning signs of melanoma. Other symptoms of melanoma are: A significant change in an existing mole A small and dark multicolored spot that is elevated with irregular borders Formation of a cluster of dark, shiny, firm bumps A mole that is bigger than a pencil eraser Hardened lumps under your skin surface Swelling and pain in the lymph nodes Breathing difficulties or a persistent cough that doesn’t go away Swelling of the liver Loss of appetite Bone pain or brittle bones Unexplained weight loss Weakness or numbness in the arms and the legs Excessive fatigue Headaches and/or seizures Treatment for Melanoma The right treatment for this skin condition depends on the size, the stage, and overall health.
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5 Lifestyle Changes for Multiple Sclerosis
General Health

5 Lifestyle Changes for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a severe disease of the nerves. It is a progressive disease whose symptoms worsen with time, and there is no permanent cure for it. The disease has to be managed, and one of the ways to do it is through lifestyle changes. The article lists out five lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis. Be physically active One of the lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis is to be physically active. Being active is very beneficial as it helps the patient remain fit. It also helps in managing symptoms of this condition. Exercise can help in improving flexibility and balance, which are problems that patients face. Exercise can also help deal with symptoms like constipation, cognitive issues, and sleep-related disorders. The advice of a doctor can be taken to plan an exercise routine. It is recommended to exercise for at least 150 minutes every week if moderate exercise is done. Exercise the brain Apart from exercising the body, it is important to keep the brain fit and healthy. Since multiple sclerosis can affect brain functioning, being mentally active is important. Taking up mentally challenging tasks is important to improve brain functioning and cognition. Memory games, crossword puzzles, solving simple math problems, playing word games, or just reading a book can keep the brain healthy and fit.
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