Top Dresses Recommended for Every Body Type
Women's Health

Top Dresses Recommended for Every Body Type

Dresses are wonderfully comfortable and gorgeous. But if you want to dress right, then learning about your body type and wearing a dress type accordingly can help accentuate your features while making you look even more stunning. Here are the top dresses for women according to your body type. Hourglass An hourglass body is termsed so when the waist is well-defined and the hips and bust are similar in size. When you have this body type, you should opt for belted dresses so that all the attention goes to your waistline. Wrap and shirt dresses are great if you have this body type. You can even opt for fit and flare dresses. Athletic Women with an athletic body have evenly distributed weight and have their hips and shoulders measure about the same. You might notice that you have a straight waist instead of a well-defined one. The top dress types for women with this shape are cinched dresses. This will help you look curvier. You want to stay away from dresses that flow or shapeless dresses because these will not flatter your body shape. Dainty If you have a such a body frame, certain types of dresses are better than others for a taller look.
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5 Effective Contraceptives for Birth Control
Women's Health

5 Effective Contraceptives for Birth Control

Contraception is the use of techniques to prevent conception or pregnancy, and birth control has been practiced for centuries in different ways. Advancement in science has ensured that there are several safe and effective birth control methods, and this article lists five common methods of contraception: Condoms One of the most common methods of contraception, condoms are available for both men and women and are highly effective and popular. A condom is a barrier in the form of a sheath worn during sexual intercourse to prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg. The male condom is the more popular option and is worn over the penis before intercourse. It is a highly effective form of contraception, and it also prevents some types of sexually transmitted diseases. However, failure can occur if the condom is torn or if there is a leakage of semen while removing it. Birth control pill One of the most effective methods of contraception, birth control pills are popular among many and contain hormones like estrogen and progestin that prevent conception. A woman must take the pill every day to prevent ovulation so that there is no egg to be fertilized. It is more than 90% effective if taken properly, but it can also cause side effects.
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Overactive Bladder – Signs and Treatment Options
Women's Health

Overactive Bladder – Signs and Treatment Options

Overactive bladder is a medical condition that puts a strain on the bladder, causing urinary problems like increased frequency of urination and frequent urge to urinate, which can also lead to urge incontinence and can be extremely troublesome. Read on to know more about the symptoms and treatments for overactive bladder. Symptoms of overactive bladder Before discussing the symptoms and treatments for overactive bladder, it is essential to know more about this condition. An overactive bladder occurs because of the improper functioning of the urinary bladder muscles. This may occur due to infections, effects of some medication, or anything that irritates the bladder. Overactive bladder leads to the following symptoms: An urgent need to urinate that is difficult to control and can lead to embarrassing situations Increased frequency of urination, which may be more than eight times a day Frequently waking up at night to urinate. Involuntary dribbling or loss of urine. Treatment through medication The first line of treatment for an overactive bladder is prescription medicines to help relax the bladder muscles. This allows the patient to have greater control over the bladder, reducing the frequency and urge to urinate. Tolterodine, Trospium, and Mirabegron are some of the medications prescribed for people with this condition.
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5 Early Warning Signs That Indicate Cervical Cancer
Women's Health

5 Early Warning Signs That Indicate Cervical Cancer

One of the most life-threatening types of cancer that affect women, cervical cancer can be successfully treated if diagnosed in the early stages. Women need to watch out for the early signs of this disease so that they can get timely treatment. Here are five early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer that women should know about: Vaginal bleeding One of the early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, vaginal bleeding is common during menstruation. However, bleeding at any other time must not be ignored. Abnormal bleeding may not be in the form of flowing blood but can be in the form of spots, and one should visit a doctor immediately if they notice this. Bleeding in between menstrual cycles can be a sign of cervical cancer, but heavy or longer bleeding than usual could also be an early warning sign of cervical cancer. In most cases, it could be due to other reasons, but it’s always better to be safe and visit a doctor to rule out the possibility of serious conditions like cervical cancer. Bleeding after sexual intercourse or bleeding followed by episodes of fatigue or feeling faint are other warning signs to watch out for.
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Breast Cancer – Warning Signs and Symptoms
Women's Health

Breast Cancer – Warning Signs and Symptoms

Certain changes in the breasts that are often unusual can be the signs of a potential of breast cancer. Understanding the important parts of the breasts and the significant functions of these parts are important to better understand the early warning signs of breast cancer. It’s important to clearly know the various changes that happen with your breasts to access the right treatment at the earliest. It all begins with a sharp pain in your breasts, accompanied by tenderness. This is caused by a lump that forms in your breasts that often turns cancerous. A lump in your breast or underarms It’s often the first sign of the possibility of having breast cancer. This lump in the breast or your underarm doesn’t go away. These lumps are painless, though they may cause a prickly sensation. A mammogram clearly shows the lumps and their sizes, including their potential of becoming cancerous. These lumps can be felt by the naked hand. Nipple discharge A leading indicator of the early warning signs of breast cancer is the unusual discharge you notice from your nipples. This discharge can be clear, watery, or some other unusual color. Nipple discharge due to breast cancer can result from squeezing the nipples or underlying infection.
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Symptoms and Types of Anemia
Women's Health

Symptoms and Types of Anemia

A lack of oxygen supply to organs in the body can indicate anemia. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body, and hemoglobin is the protein molecule responsible for this. If a person has anemia, insufficient red blood cells lead to low hemoglobin levels that prevent the supply of sufficient oxygen for the organs to function properly. The main types of anemia vary in severity and range from short-term to long-term. They can lead to life-threatening complications if not diagnosed at the earliest. The common types of anemia are: Autoimmune hemolytic anemia This rare type of anemia is a condition wherein the immune system attacking the red blood cells restricts the formation of new ones. If a person is taking medicines like quinine, methyldopa, or penicillin, they are at a high risk of developing this type of anemia. Aplastic or hypoplastic anemia It’s the case of a blood deficiency that begins in the bone marrow, where the injured stem cells fail to make new blood cells. While this condition is temporary, it can be inherited or developed later in life due to other complications. One can also develop hepatitis, HIV, and Epstein-Barr virus infection that can aggravate this disorder.
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Critical Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer
Women's Health

Critical Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer

Ovaries are the reproductive organs in females; which produce ova or eggs, including female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. They are located one on either side of the uterus and is about the size of an almond. Ovarian cancer has warning signs, but is vague and is often unnoticeable during the early stages. The Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer begin to show through only after spreading within the pelvis and the abdomen. This makes ovarian cancer a difficult one to treat. Abnormal cells in the ovaries begin to multiply without control and form tumors that can spread to other parts of the body. This condition is called metastatic ovarian cancer. The symptoms often develop during the advanced stages when the growth puts increasing pressure on the uterus, bladder, and rectum. Ovarian cancer is commonly known as a silent killer, as, even in the advanced stages, the symptoms can be pretty unclear. Types of ovarian cancer Before knowing the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer, it’s important to know its types. Epithelial tumors These tumors develop in the thin layer of the tissues covering the ovaries and accounts for over 90% of the ovarian cancer cancer. Stromal tumors It develops in the hormone-producing cells in the ovarian tissues.
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6 Lifestyle Tips for Managing Asthma
Women's Health

6 Lifestyle Tips for Managing Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory disease that generates difficulty in breathing. This can happen due to an allergy or maybe a chronic condition. Apart from medication, there are many other ways of managing asthma, including lifestyle changes. The article lists out six lifestyle tips for managing asthma. Manage triggers One of the key lifestyle tips for managing asthma is to identify and manage triggers for your condition. For some people, it could be a food that triggers asthma. For others, it could be pollen or dust. It is important to identify the triggers and then avoid them. Managing triggers is important since in many cases, it is difficult to avoid them. For example, in spring, using a mask and avoiding going outside during peak times can help prevent exposure to pollen.  The help of an allergy specialist can be taken to identify these triggers and avoid them. Strict no to smoking Smoking is a huge problem. Whether it is first-hand smoke or exposure to second-hand smoke, smoking can aggravate the symptoms of asthma. Smokers need to give up smoking and avoid exposure to cigarette smoke. Keep the house clean One of the trigger factors for asthma is dust. The dust mites can cause an allergic reaction for some people.
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Early Warning Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Women's Health

Early Warning Symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep vein thrombosis is the presence of a blood clot in a deep vein, especially on the pelvis or legs. This condition can be life-threatening if the clot detaches and travels to the heart, consequently blocking the arteries that supply to the lungs. Older age, recent surgery, active cancer, traumatic injuries, pregnancy, and certain genetic factors can play a role wherein the body can develop this condition. Symptoms of deep vein thrombosis Swelling in the leg, ankle, and/or foot. This usually occurs on one leg only, but there are chances of it occurring in both legs. Cramps and pain associated with it on the leg that is affected. It usually begins in the calf and extends to higher and lower areas. Tenderness in the foot, ankle, or leg. This can occur in the arm as well. Unexpected pain in the foot or ankle is extremely severe. Sometimes, this occurs only when one walks or stands. The skin on the leg suddenly becomes warm to the touch. Visible veins that are inflamed, red, or swollen. These veins can be seen and are tender to the touch. The skin above the clot may sometimes change in color. It tends to turn pale or a reddish color.
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6 Early Warning Signs Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Women's Health

6 Early Warning Signs Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs due to an infection in the urinary bladder or the tract. It can cause burning and problems during urination. There are many early signs that can help detect UTI so treatment can be given on time. This article lists six urinary tract infection early warning signs. Pain While Urinating One of the urinary tract infection early warning signs is experiencing pain while urinating. The pain may initially be felt as a mild pain that is irritating and uncomfortable. As the infection progresses, the pain would be burning in nature. If not treated, the burning sensation would increase. Usually, women experience burning pain more than compared to men. The pain is a result of inflammation in the urinary tract, which is the immune system’s reaction to the infection. Frequent Urination If one feels like urinating very frequently, then it could be because of a urinary tract infection. When the tract gets infected, inflammation increases the frequency to urinate. As the infection progresses, this would also increase. Urge To Urinate Increases Along with frequent urination, there is a strong urge to urinate. This can cause many problems and it may lead to loss of control. The urge to immediately urinate increases with the infection causing the person to rush to the loo.
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