5 Early Signs of Colon Cancer
Men's Health

5 Early Signs of Colon Cancer

A person with colon cancer is at risk of developing several complications. Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells lining the large intestine. In fact, this disease begins in the form of small, non-cancerous clumps of cells called polyps that develop on the walls of the colon. Over time, these polyps can become cancerous and spread to other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. It most commonly spreads to the rectum and is called colorectal cancer. While some cases of colon cancer hardly show symptoms early on, there are other cases where the signs are obvious and need immediate attention. The early warning symptoms of colon cancer depend on the location of the tumor, its intensity, and how it can affect the organs and tissues. Some of the common symptoms are: Unexplained weight loss A sudden and significant decrease in weight is often a sign indicating the possibility of colon cancer. Colorectal cancer can lead to a loss of over 10 pounds within a few months because the disease consumes a significant amount of the body’s energy. The immune system also consumes excessive amounts of energy to fight the condition hard. The cancer cells release various substances that completely alter the way food is converted into energy.
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Considering the Top Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer
Men's Health

Considering the Top Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer

The prostate is an organ located under the bladder in men and is also a significant part of the reproductive system. This walnut-sized organ produces seminal fluid to nourish and protect the sperm. Prostate cancer usually develops during the later stages in life, and it grows slowly. In very rare cases, cancer cells in the prostate grow quickly and spread to other organs. Among the top risk factors for prostate cancer is gender. While 1 in 9 men develop this disease, only 1 in 39 will die. It’s essential to understand the risk factors for prostate cancer to help take preventive measures and reduce the likelihood of developing it. Regular screenings also help in detecting prostate cancer early even before symptoms occur. Age Your age is one of the most significant factors for developing prostate cancer. Nearly 70% of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men who are 65 and older. While the disease is less aggressive with advanced age, the chances of developing it are higher in aged individuals. Family history If you have relatives and close family members who have had prostate cancer, your risk of developing it is very high. If your father or your brother had/has the disease, then your odds of developing prostate cancer doubles.
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The Different Types of Lymphoma
Men's Health

The Different Types of Lymphoma

Your lymph system is a series of lymph nodes and vessels that transport lymph fluid throughout the body. This fluid contains infection-fighting white blood cells, and the lymph nodes filter and destroy bacteria and viruses from causing infections. Lymphoma is the cancer of the lymphatic system, and for this reason, it can rapidly metastasize and spread to other tissues and organs throughout the body. Types of lymphoma The different types of lymphoma that affect the lymphatic system are broadly classified into two categories. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma These are the most common types of lymphoma that account for nearly 95% of the cases of lymphoma. This lymphatic disorder forms in the B-cells or the C-cells of the lymph nodes, the immune system, or tissues throughout the body. This category of lymphoma doesn’t affect every lymph node. The types of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma are as follows: B-cell Lymphoma This is the most aggressive type of non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma that develops from abnormal production of B cells in the blood. While it can be cured, leaving it untreated can lead to death. The abnormal production of these cells happens even when your body doesn’t need them. T-cell lymphoma This rare type of cancer starts in the white blood cells called T lymphocytes.
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Symptoms of Types of Leukemia
Men's Health

Symptoms of Types of Leukemia

Leukemia is a set of blood cancers characterized by the abnormal mutation and growth of undifferentiated cells in the bone marrow following which these cells spread to the bloodstream. This disease is diagnosed by blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy. The cause of leukemia is believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. If detected early, this condition is easier to control and treat. General symptoms Weight loss Loss of appetite Night sweats Fever Fatigue Here are some symptoms and signs based on the different types of leukemia. Acute myeloid leukemia Anemia A shortage of healthy red blood cells is a symptom of leukemia. This can be detected by observing the body for the following signs Tiredness Weakness Pale skin Shortness of breath Lightheadedness Headaches Neutropenia Neutropenia is the shortage of neutrophils, which are white blood cells that fight infections. This is a common symptom of leukemia and can be discovered when your body is not willing to fight against infections for an extended period. Thrombocytopenia This is a condition characterized by the shortage of platelets in the blood. This can cause the following: Reddish purple bruises Excess bleeding Severe nosebleeds Bleeding of the gums Heavy menstruation in women.
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The Stages and Treatment for Kidney Cancer
Men's Health

The Stages and Treatment for Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer or renal cancer is the type of cancer that begins and originates in the kidney. An undifferentiated mass of mutated cells that grow abnormally on the kidney and the area surrounding it contributes to kidney cancer. Symptoms of kidney cancer usually included blood in the urine, fever, weight loss, and fatigue. Kidney cancer is staged by the TNM system T – Tumor N – Node M – Metastasis Tumor T followed by a number or letter is used to indicate the size and location of the tumor. TX is a tumor that cannot be evaluated T0 is when there is no evidence of a tumor in the kidney. T1 is a stage in which the tumor is found in the kidney and is very small (less than 7cm) T1a: the size of the tumor is in between 1 cm to 4 cm T2a: the size is in between 4 cm to 7 cm. T2 is a stage in which the tumor is above 7 cm in area. T3 is a stage in which the tumor has grown into the major veins within the kidney T4 is the stage in which the tumor has spread to areas beyond the kidney and reached the adrenal gland.
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5 Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction
Men's Health

5 Natural Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition that affects the sexual health of men. It is a condition where a man cannot get an erection or sustain it. It can be a very troublesome condition and may even lead to impotence. While there are medications to treat this condition, natural remedies can be beneficial. The article lists out five natural remedies for erectile dysfunction. Lifestyle changes One of the natural remedies for erectile dysfunction is to make lifestyle changes. The lifestyle of a person can impact his sexual health and cause ED. Changing the lifestyle and bringing in small changes can help treat ED successfully in many cases. Some of the lifestyle tips to be followed to treat ED are: Have a good night’s sleep, as sleep can make a person relaxed and help avoid anxiety issues. Reduce stress naturally by avoiding stressful situations and through breathing exercises. Follow a balanced diet that ensures blood pressure, blood sugar, and weight is under control. Exercise daily to ensure weight control and general fitness, which can go a long way in improving sexual health. Give up smoking as it can affect blood circulation and worsen the symptoms of ED. L-Arginine L-arginine is a naturally occurring chemical that can be taken as a supplement.
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6 Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux and GERD
Men's Health

6 Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux and GERD

Acid reflux and GERD are health conditions that cause excess acidity. It can also cause regurgitation of food from the stomach causing many side effects. Treating GERD/acid reflux through natural remedies is better if the symptoms are not too severe. The article lists out six effective natural remedies for acid reflux and GERD. Reduce weight One of the effective natural remedies for acid reflux and GERD is to make efforts to reduce weight. Being overweight or obese greatly increases the risk of developing GERD/heartburn. Excess belly fat creates more pressure on the stomach. This can push the acid back towards the throat. Exercise and diet can help in reducing weight. Reducing calories consumed and doing aerobic exercise for at least 150 minutes a week is recommended. Change your eating habits The problem of heartburn and GERD can worsen by eating heavy meals, as they increase acid production. People with GERD should avoid eating a large meal. Instead of eating three large meals, they can consider eating five to six small meals every day that doesn’t overload the stomach. Eating healthy food is important. This includes more of fiber that can help in digestion and fewer fats. Fried foods, coffee, chocolate, fatty foods, and alcohol can worsen the symptoms of GERD and should be avoided.
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10 Common Triggers for Hyperhidrosis
Men's Health

10 Common Triggers for Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating is a condition that causes excessive sweating in different body parts. It can be embarrassing and can cause itching and even lead to fungal infections. There are certain triggers that can cause this condition. The article lists out ten common triggers for hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating. Stress One of the common triggers for hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating is stress. When a person is under high stress, it causes increased sweating. This is because of the release of certain hormones when the body is under stress. Primary hyperhidrosis is a condition that has no apparent causes. Stress can aggravate this condition and sweat on the palms, soles, and the face can increase due to stress. Obesity Being obese increases the risk of excessive sweating. Those who are excessively overweight are likely to sweat more. This is mainly due to body metabolism. Medications Excessive sweating can occur as a side effect of certain medications. The chemicals in the medication can cause the nerves that regulate the sweat glands to increase sweating. It must be noted that not everyone who takes these medicines experiences hyperhidrosis. Some of the medications that can act as a trigger for excessive sweating are glaucoma medicines like pilocarpine, antidepressants, propranolol etc., that is used to treat high blood pressure, and some anticholinesterases (used to treat Alzheimer’s disease).
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Symptoms and Treatment of Hemophilia
Men's Health

Symptoms and Treatment of Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a disorder that impairs the ability of the body to clot. Clotting is an important process of the body in order to stop bleeding and loss of blood from cuts, fractures, and other types of injurious bleeding. It is an inherited genetic condition that shows up in the early stages of one’s life. There are two main types of hemophilia that are classified based on the clotting factor that is low in count. They are hemophilia A and hemophilia B. It can be diagnosed through a blood test. Symptoms Excessive and unexplained bleeding from cuts and injuries that were believed to be healed. This most often occurs right after a surgery or dental work. The parts of the skin that have been cut don’t stop bleeding after a while like they’re supposed to. Large and deep bruises. These occur all over the body in large numbers. In addition to these, other symptoms one can experience are as follows: Non-stop bleeding after vaccinations or other injections Tightness and pain in the joints Nosebleeds without a cause Unexplained irritability in infants. A simple pat on the head can cause internal bleeding for people whose condition is severe. This is quite rare but if it happens, it puts the patient’s lifestyle at risk.
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Treatment Options for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Patients
Men's Health

Treatment Options for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Patients

Alcoholism and substance abuse are serious problems that lead to addiction. Apart from affecting health, it can lead to various other problems. It is important that alcohol and substance abuse be treated on time. The article lists five treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse. Detoxification One of the primary treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse is undergoing detoxification. This is a systematic process for treating alcohol and substance abuse. It involves helping the patient to gradually stop using alcohol and drugs, while at the same time providing treatment for withdrawal symptoms. Detox can happen at a detox center as a part of rehabilitation. The treatment would focus on monitoring the process of stopping consumption of alcohol and drugs. Sometimes, safer alternatives are recommended during detox. Medical Treatment Medical treatment for alcohol and substance abuse can include detox and other therapies. It can be done as an outpatient treatment, where the patient visits the hospital or treatment center at regular intervals. In this case, the patient undergoes treatment at home while visiting the hospital for therapy. For severe cases, treatment would be administered at the hospital or rehab center. The patient would be admitted and would need to stay at the center until completion of treatment.
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