8 Natural Remedies to Cure Cold and Flu
General Health

8 Natural Remedies to Cure Cold and Flu

Viral infections cause the cold and flu. They cannot be cured by antibiotics, and the only way to treat them is by managing the symptoms. Natural remedies can be very helpful in managing the symptoms of cold/flu. The article lists out eight natural remedies for cold and flu. Ginger One of the natural remedies for cold and flu is ginger. This is a spice that is anti-inflammatory. It can help deal with the symptoms of cold, like sore throat and cough. The best way of consuming ginger is by preparing ginger tea, which can be drunk three to four a day until the symptoms resolve. Vitamin C Vitamin C is beneficial in treating the symptoms of flu or cold. Vitamin C is available in citrus fruits and in leafy greens. It would be helpful to take vitamin C as a supplement. It can provide relief from symptoms and also boost immunity. Garlic Garlic is a spice that has antimicrobial properties. It can be very helpful in treating coughs. Chewing on garlic pods releases the juice, which can help in reducing cough. Apart from its use in treating the cold and flu, it can help prevent the cold. Steam inhalation One of the most effective treatments for cold and flu is steam inhalation.
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Common Some Side Effects of Cancer Treatment
General Health

Common Some Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

Cancer is the abnormal growth of undifferentiated and mutated cells that can cause life-threatening situations. It can be treated through chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, and various other methods. The type of cancer treatment is chosen based on the stage, location, and type of cancer one is diagnosed with. There are a number of cancer treatments that are still under study. Certain methods of treatment can cause undesirable side effects. Here are some side effects of cancer treatments: Side effects due to surgery Pain after surgery. The severity depends on the location and size of the surgical cut. Fatigue is a common side effect of major surgeries. Fatigue can occur due to: The anesthesia supplied to the body before surgery Energy used up by the body to help it heal Loss of appetite. Inflammation around the site of surgery. This occurs due to the body’s response to the surgical cut (the body recognizes the cut as a form of injury). Lymphedema may occur if lymph nodes are removed surgically. Side effects of chemotherapy Fatigue is the most common side effect of chemotherapy. Pain in the head, stomach, etc. The pain can be due to nerve damage in which case shooting pain or a burning sensation occurs in the fingers and toes.
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Common Triggers of Asthma and Allergies
General Health

Common Triggers of Asthma and Allergies

Asthma is a long term condition of the airways of the lung. It causes inflammation, resulting in suffocation, chest tightness, wheezing, coughing, choking, and difficulty in breathing. It is characterized by reversible airflow obstruction and bronchospasms. It occurs due to genetic and environmental factors. Allergies are a set of diseases caused by the immune system’s hypersensitivity to different substances in the environment that most other people aren’t sensitive to. There are many factors that can trigger asthma and allergies. Some of them are as follows: Asthma triggers Food triggers: Certain foods can trigger asthma and put one’s life in danger. The most common food items that can trigger asthma are: Eggs Milk and its products Peanuts Soy Wheat Shellfish Fish Food preservatives like sulfite additives can also trigger asthma. Exercise triggers: Most people who are affected by asthma can find heavy workouts difficult. If the workout is too intense, it can cause the airways to narrow, which results in chest tightness and difficulty in breathing. The attack subsides within thirty minutes but can show up again after a few hours. Heartburn: Severe heartburn can trigger asthma. Most patients with asthma also have heartburn. When stomach acids back up into the esophagus, it causes heartburn.
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Common Triggers for COPD
General Health

Common Triggers for COPD

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is a condition that limits air flow to and from the lungs. Symptoms of COPD can include fatigue, wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing. Some substances and activities can make COPD worse and cause flare-ups. To manage this condition, it’s best to limit or avoid exposure to certain triggers. If you suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, here are common triggers you should avoid: 1. Temperature extremes Weather and temperature can aggravate COPD symptoms. Both hot air and cold, dry air can make COPD worse. One study: Your text to link…reveals that extreme temperatures, like above 90 degrees F and below freezing, are dangerous for people with COPD. Humidity and wind also increase the risk of COPD flare-ups. It’s important to keep your mouth and nose covered when outdoors in cold weather if you have COPD. When you’re indoors, use a humidifier to ensure that the air has a humidity level of 40 percent. 2. Air pollution Whether you’re inside or outside, pollution in the air can worsen COPD symptoms. It’s important to avoid odors from construction or industrial plants, smoke from outdoor fires, dust, mold, perfume, cigarette smoke, and pet dander. You can avoid these pollutants in the air when you go outside by wearing a painter’s mask.
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The Common Signs of Lactose Intolerance
General Health

The Common Signs of Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is caused by a lack of adequate lactase enzymes in the body to properly digest the sugars found in dairy products. Children can be born with insufficient lactase or adults may develop decreased lactase as they age. Many individuals confuse lactose intolerance with a dairy allergy (or casein allergy), however, patients with dairy allergies are allergic to the protein, or casein, found in foods containing milk. They will often react with hives, itchy skin, skin flushing, and in severe cases, closing of the airways (or anaphylaxis). The symptoms of lactose intolerance include the following: 1. Stomach ache and bloating Lactose intolerance leads to stomach pain due to insufficient digestion of the carbohydrate, lactose. Since digestion of the carbohydrates doesn’t occur and there is poor absorption into the small intestines, fermentation occurs and releases an acid, which irritates, leading to stomach pain. The pain can be quite severe, and in cases where lactose is consumed, the pain often becomes unbearable in the lower belly. Apart from stomach cramps, gas may also build up, which leads to bloating. 2. Constipation Consuming dairy products often causes constipation after consumption. Constipation is often characterized by a hard stool that’s difficult to eliminate.
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Common Early Signs of Osteoporosis
General Health

Common Early Signs of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes the bones to become brittle and weak. It occurs due to a decrease in bone density. It typically affects women who are over the age of 50-years old. However, it can also affect men, and it can occur at any age. Many people do not know that they have this condition until they break a bone. However, there are several symptoms of osteoporosis that you will need to look out for: 1. Fractures that occur easily or frequently As osteoporosis weakens your bones, patients are more likely to suffer fractures. You can easily break a bone if you suffer a minor fall. If you have suffered a fracture, then it is a good idea for you to ask your doctor for a bone density test. Your doctor will be able to determine whether low bone density caused you to break a bone. 2. Receding gums Most people are aware of the fact that their bone health will suffer if they have osteoporosis. However, this condition can also affect your gums. You are more likely to develop gum disease if you have osteoporosis. If you have gum disease, then your gums may start to recede.
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Odors That Cause Migraines
General Health

Odors That Cause Migraines

Migraine is a medical condition associated with severe, long-lasting headaches due to a reaction to stimuli in the environment. The onset of migraines causes a pulsating pain on one side of the head, followed by a downward spiral of vomiting, nausea, and sound and light sensitivity. Migraine attacks can last up to 72 hours if untreated and render you tired and “beaten out” once finished. Additionally, another episode might develop after sudden head movements. Some odors that may trigger migraines are: 1. Cigarette smoke Cigarettes contain a cocktail of chemicals, with nicotine being the most active. Nicotine causes the vessels that carry blood to the brain and the covering of the brain to tighten, causing the brain to go into a depressed state that leads to migraines. This affects both smokers and non-smokers who are exposed to smoke as secondhand smoke is more dangerous than firsthand smoking. 2. Food odors Pungent scents such as onions will trigger an episode of pain by either causing a headache or activating emotional areas of the brain that are closely linked to pain. Other foods, particularly fried and fatty foods, will send a person into a migraine state. This happens because of inflammation, activating the brain’s areas related to pain or causing the blood vessels to tighten.
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