Prepackaged Snacks That Won’t Trigger Arthritis Pain

Prepackaged Snacks That Won’t Trigger Arthritis Pain

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, is a chronic disease that gradually breaks down joint cartilage and causes weakness in bones. Symptoms of osteoarthritis involve joint pain, inflammation, loss of mobility, and stiffness. While there is no cure for osteoarthritis, treatments such as medications, surgery, or physical therapy can help reduce pain. Doctors often recommend certain dietary changes to help ease osteoarthritis as well. It’s true some foods may do more harm than good. While others like the ones on the list below may ease inflammation, boost the immune system, and even strengthen your bones: 1. Pre-washed salads Pre-washed salads come pre cut and are easy to work with. Now add a few tasty treats like nuts, fruits, or tomatoes and you got yourself a healthy anti-inflammatory snack. Leafy green vegetables are good for fighting inflammation which can help with joint pain in Arthritis sufferers. Also, less cutting means less strain on your hands. One of the most common areas where Osteoarthritis thrives. 2. Popcorn Yes, popcorn. This beloved classic treat is not only good for the movies, it’s good for your health too. Serving as a great source of antioxidants it is also said it can play a part in the prevention of Arthritis along with a few other illnesses.
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Superfoods to Avoid High Cholesterol

Superfoods to Avoid High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is an oil-based component that is intrinsically produced in the liver but can also be obtained extrinsically through the foods we eat. It doesn’t mix with blood as blood is water based while it is oil-based. Once it is produced or ingested, it travels in the body in the form of lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol and they are low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL). Anyone who has tested high cholesterol can easily lower the levels by taking doctor-prescribed medications like repatha, praluent, and lipitor, and eating some superfoods which are known to lower cholesterol. The key is to eat different foods which bring about different benefits that are known to ultimately lower the cholesterol levels. For instance some foods will bring forth soluble fiber which would bind with the cholesterol hence lower the cholesterol levels. Other superfoods deliver polyunsaturated fats that lower the LDL levels directly. The superfoods are: 1. Nuts Consuming nuts has been proven to be beneficial to the heart and therefore lowering the LDL levels by a small percentage. 2. Foods filled with sterols and stanols These foods include chocolate, margarine and orange juice. The sterols and stanols present in them help the body absorb cholesterol.
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Superfoods to Ease Joint Pain and Arthritis

Superfoods to Ease Joint Pain and Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is known as one of the most common types of arthritis, affecting over 30 million adults. It happens when the insulating cartilage at the end of the bones wears down. Cartilage is not as hard as bone but is a very firm silky tissue that enables nearly fluid motion of joints. If cartilage is worn down, the bones will uncomfortably rub other bones. Areas most commonly affected are joints in the knees, hands, spine, and hips. Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis usually get worse over time. These symptoms include: Pain Tenderness Swelling Stiffness Bone spurs Loss of flexibility Grating sensation Osteoarthritis is called a disease of wear and tear and not only affects the cartilage but it affects the entire joint. This causes bone changes and deterioration of connecting tissues that hold joints together and keep muscle and bones attached. It also causes the joint lining to become inflamed. Often a change to the diet can help symptoms of osteoarthritis. People with osteoarthritis should enjoy the following foods to better manage the disease: 1. Oily fish Usually contain helpful omega-3 fatty acids that have anti-inflammatory properties. If someone doesn’t like eating fish, they can ingest supplements containing omega-3, like flaxseed oil, krill oil, or flaxseed oil.
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Superfoods to Keep Blood Sugar Low for Diabetics

Superfoods to Keep Blood Sugar Low for Diabetics

Type 2 diabetes (typically known as adult-onset diabetes) is a metabolic disease that occurs when the body is no longer able to properly metabolize glucose (sugar) in the blood. In contrast to that of type 1 diabetes where patients are unable to produce the insulin that ushers glucose into the blood cells, type 2 diabetes is characterized as being the body’s inability to either produce sufficient levels of insulin or the body’s inability to react to the effects of the insulin that it produces. Being that individuals with type 2 diabetes don’t possess the biological ability to respond to insulin (the hormone responsible for supplying cells with the fuel supply of glucose), common symptoms of type 2 diabetes will include excessive fatigue, hunger, increased thirst, blurred vision, frequent urination, and poor wound healing. Fortunately, there are several superfoods that people can consume to help combat the high levels of blood sugar associated with type 2 diabetes: 1. Leafy greens: rich in vitamin C It is extremely beneficial for diabetics to include leafy greens like kale, spinach, arugula, lettuce, and cabbage within their diet because these superfoods are both rich in vitamin C (aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels) and excellent sources of antioxidants (compounds that prevent/slow cell degeneration).
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Trigger Foods and Elimination Diet for Migraines

Trigger Foods and Elimination Diet for Migraines

Migraines are severe throbbing pain usually on one side of your head that can last for a short time, or can even days. Usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, light sensitivity or sound. Some symptoms of migraines may be an aura, flashes of light or even a stiff neck. Migraines can be triggered by a number of things, such as hormones, alcohol, stress, bright lights, lack of sleep, or sometimes the foods you eat. Foods you consume can have an impact on migraines. So can skipping meals or fasting. Let’s take a look at some different foods that may be triggering your migraines: 1. Lunch meats That quick lunch may have just caused your migraine. Most lunch meats are highly processed, containing tyramine and preservatives that could be the cause of migraines. These ingredients may be found in some bacon, or hotdogs. Preservatives are not a natural product, our bodies aren’t sure what to do with them, So they may cause migraines in some individuals. Cutting out preservatives will benefit not only less migraines, but you should see a reduction in weight. 2. Bananas Shocking! But, yes Bananas have tyramine and histamine which could cause migraines in some individuals. They are a great source of potassium.
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Trigger Foods for Iron Anemia

Trigger Foods for Iron Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common types of anemia. It occurs when blood lacks oxygen to fuel red blood cells. This problem occurs when the body lacks iron. Symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include pale skin, fatigue, poor diet, cold feet and hands, brittle nails, headache, chest pains, and cravings (or pica) for unusual items such as dirt, starch, and ice. Luckily, certain trigger foods can be avoided to help manage symptoms of iron anemia, including: 1. Foods with tannins Tannins are found in plant-based foods. They are what give those types of foods their astringent flavor. There is a long list of foods that contain tannins, but the most common are grapes, wine, black and green teas, coffee, and corn. The problem with tannins is that they block the iron from iron-rich plant foods such as spinach, beans, legumes, and dark leafy greens. 2. Dairy products Most dairy products contain calcium, which is the reason people consume dairy products. However, calcium interferes with iron absorption. So, having a glass of milk with a steak meal defeats the benefits of the iron found in the meat. This does not mean there is a need to give up yogurt and cheese.
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Foods that Trigger Eczema Flare Ups

Foods that Trigger Eczema Flare Ups

Eczema is a type of atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin condition that causes symptoms of inflamed, itchy, dry, scaly skin. Eczema is both uncomfortable and oftentimes embarrassing to sufferers who may have visible areas of inflamed flaky skin on hands and legs or even on the face. Eczema is often caused by asthma or an allergic reaction, however, several foods can also trigger an eczema flareup, such as: 1. Citrus fruits Citrus fruits are not recognized universally as being a trigger for eczema symptoms, but in some individuals they have been known to bring on a flare up. The general medical assessment is that acidic fruits such as citrus have no proven connection. There are, however, many eczema sufferers who list citrus as a trigger. Sufferers may then find it useful to test out if they are triggered by citrus by using an elimination diet. 2. Dairy An intolerance to dairy products is not uncommon and those who are lactose intolerant may find milk triggers skin issues as well. Usually dairy affects the digestive system in those with an allergy but if they are prone to skin conditions it may also worsen symptoms. 3. Gluten or wheat An intolerance to gluten and wheat is known as Celiac Disease, which is generally characterized by inflammation of the digestive system.
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Foods that Can Trigger Ulcerative Colitis

Foods that Can Trigger Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease resulting in appetite loss, diarrhea, and intense abdominal discomfort. This condition is not caused by certain foods, but trigger foods may prompt and worsen the condition. Ulcerative colitis condition leads to inflammation in the large intestine linings. The exact cause of this disease is unknown, but doctors advise against avoiding certain foods to make the condition manageable. The following are some of the foods that trigger ulcerative colitis: 1. Corn As you chew-corn, some of the corn-kernels mistakenly pass through, slowing the digestion process. This can lead to diarrhea and contribute to GI irritation in those battling Ulcerative Colitis. Therefore, it is recommended to ingest foods that do not irritate the intestinal linings and are easy to digest compared to corn-which contains fiber content and gives the digestive system a hard time during the digestion process. However, it is okay to take-corn once the colon has been subjected to proper treatment and has properly healed. 2. Carbonated beverages Some patients experience gas or bloating after taking fizzy drinks, which contributes to restlessness and abdominal discomfort. In addition, most carbonated-drinks contain caffeine which worsens diarrhea by stimulating the intestines. Moreover, carbonated-beverages can also lead to obesity and put one at risk of getting heart disease, among other health problems.
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