Things to Know Before Using Essential Oils for Pets

Things to Know Before Using Essential Oils for Pets

Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. These oils capture the essence of a plant, including its properties, fragrance, and flavor. When applied along with a carrier oil, one’s body absorbs the nutrients and extracted chemicals present in the plants. If you have pets, you can use these oils on them too. However, their body is completely different from the human body in terms of reacting to certain chemicals. Therefore, one should be careful and consider certain factors before using essential oils for pets. Essential oils aren’t good for all animals Some oils must never be used on certain animals. This doesn’t include all the essential oils. Finding out the wrong ones is crucial to keep your pet safe. Cats especially are dangerously allergic to certain essential oils. They are more easily triggered by chemical compounds than most of the other animals. Essential oils that contain polyphenols are toxic to cats. These oils include oregano, thyme, clove, wintergreen, and cinnamon bark. Essential oils that are harmful to dogs are garlic, thyme, clove, tea tree, and peppermint. Method Essential oils can be applied to pets in many ways, i.e., through massages, diet supplements, and acupuncture. It can be diffused with water, mixed with food, etc.
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10 Easy Flea and Tick Remedies for Dogs

10 Easy Flea and Tick Remedies for Dogs

Fleas and ticks can be absolute nightmares for dogs. The presence of such bugs can cause constant irritaion and scratching. Moreover, once fleas enter your home, they can lay eggs in your furniture and carpets. This is why dog owners should know about the common home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks. Consulting the vet is important for getting the right medications and treatment option. However, it also helps to know the various remedies for getting rid of fleas and ticks in dogs at home. You can actually keep your pets and home tick-free by using some natural substance and without using any kind of chemicals in the house. Here are 10 of the best home remedies to get rid of fleas and ticks in dogs: Essential Oils There are some essential oils, like eucalyptus, peppermint, citronella, rosemary, and tea tree, that naturally repel insects. However, you must dilute essential oils before using them and then spray the mixture directly on the coat. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar helps to treat fleas in dogs by balancing the dog’s pH levels. You must dilute apple cider vinegar with water, sea salt, and then spray this mix on your dog’s coat directly.
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Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a condition where your eyes do not produce enough tears or the right quality of tears to lubricate your eyes properly. The symptoms of chronic dry eyes include eye redness, photosensitivity, scratchiness, discharge, and blurred vision. Dry eyes can be caused by certain medications, e.g., antihistamines, medical conditions such as lupus, and environmental factors. Simple home remedies for this condition include: 1. Drink more water It is essential to remain properly hydrated for your eyes to be properly lubricated. This lubrication will help your eyes produce enough tears to get rid of dust particles and debris. To ensure you are well hydrated, take 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. 2. Include essential fatty acids in your diet Consuming healthy fats assist the oil-making glands in your eyes to work more efficiently. These glands produce tears that reduce the symptoms of dry eyes. Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, and sardines are high in healthy omega-3 fats. Walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and some vegetable oils are also high in these omega-3 fats. To increase the intake of these fats, you can also use fish oil-supplements, under your doctor’s supervision. 3. Vitamin supplements Vitamins A and B12 have been determined to be critical for eye health.
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