10 Common Triggers for Hyperhidrosis

10 Common Triggers for Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating is a condition that causes excessive sweating in different body parts. It can be embarrassing and can cause itching and even lead to fungal infections. There are certain triggers that can cause this condition. The article lists out ten common triggers for hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating.

One of the common triggers for hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating is stress. When a person is under high stress, it causes increased sweating. This is because of the release of certain hormones when the body is under stress. Primary hyperhidrosis is a condition that has no apparent causes. Stress can aggravate this condition and sweat on the palms, soles, and the face can increase due to stress.

Being obese increases the risk of excessive sweating. Those who are excessively overweight are likely to sweat more. This is mainly due to body metabolism.

Excessive sweating can occur as a side effect of certain medications. The chemicals in the medication can cause the nerves that regulate the sweat glands to increase sweating. It must be noted that not everyone who takes these medicines experiences hyperhidrosis. Some of the medications that can act as a trigger for excessive sweating are glaucoma medicines like pilocarpine, antidepressants, propranolol etc., that is used to treat high blood pressure, and some anticholinesterases (used to treat Alzheimer’s disease).

Medical conditions
Certain medical conditions can trigger off excessive sweating. HIV and cancer are two such conditions that can cause excess sweating. Tuberculosis is another condition that can act as a trigger for secondary hyperhidrosis. Hyperthyroidism, shingles, certain forms of cancer like Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and gout can also trigger off heavy sweating in some people.

Some women experience hyperhidrosis during menopause. Excessive sweating is experienced along with hot flashes.

Substance abuse
Another triggering factor for excessive sweating is substance abuse. Overconsumption of certain narcotics can work on the sweat glands causing excess sweat. Some people experience excessive sweating when they are given medications for opioid withdrawal.

Heart attack
Sweating is one of the common symptoms that is experienced by someone who is having a heart attack. The heavy sweating can be actually used to diagnose a heart attack.

Injury to the spinal cord
An injury to the spinal cord can be a trigger for excessive sweating. It is believed that the spinal injury affects the nerves of the sweat gland causing excess sweating.

Pregnancy can be a trigger factor for some women. The hormones released during pregnancy can cause sweating.

Diabetes and excess blood sugar can affect various organs. In some people, it affects the sweat glands leading to excessive sweating.

The information on the common triggers for hyperhidrosis or heavy sweating in this article would have helped you understand more about this condition. Those who are prone to sweating can either avoid the trigger or take measures to prevent excess sweating by consulting a doctor.