5 Early Signs of Colon Cancer

5 Early Signs of Colon Cancer

A person with colon cancer is at risk of developing several complications. Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the cells lining the large intestine. In fact, this disease begins in the form of small, non-cancerous clumps of cells called polyps that develop on the walls of the colon. Over time, these polyps can become cancerous and spread to other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

It most commonly spreads to the rectum and is called colorectal cancer. While some cases of colon cancer hardly show symptoms early on, there are other cases where the signs are obvious and need immediate attention. The early warning symptoms of colon cancer depend on the location of the tumor, its intensity, and how it can affect the organs and tissues. Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Unexplained weight loss
    A sudden and significant decrease in weight is often a sign indicating the possibility of colon cancer. Colorectal cancer can lead to a loss of over 10 pounds within a few months because the disease consumes a significant amount of the body’s energy. The immune system also consumes excessive amounts of energy to fight the condition hard. The cancer cells release various substances that completely alter the way food is converted into energy. Also, if a tumor grows excessively, it can block the colon, affecting bowel habits and leading to significant weight loss.
  • Blood in the stools
    This is the most alarming and one of the earliest warning symptoms of colon cancer. While blood in stools doesn’t always indicate cancer, it mostly points to colon cancer. There are other issues like hemorrhoids, ulcers, and ulcerative colitis that can cause blood in stools. However, frequent blood in stools could be a strong indication of colon cancer, so it’s advisable to visit a doctor immediately for a proper diagnosis and timely treatment.
  • Significant changes in bowel habits
    Another early warning symptom of colon cancer is significant and frequent changes in bowel habits. Colon polyps can develop into cancer over time, severely affecting one’s bowel habits. The stools become thinner, and one might also experience alternating sessions of severe constipation to diarrhea to bowel incontinence. One may also feel that their bowels aren’t empty on several occasions, even after a bowel movement.
  • Abdominal cramps
    Abdominal pain and stomach cramps are pretty common and usually not serious. It’s a very common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, and an upset stomach. However, an early warning symptom of colon cancer is severe and long-lasting painful and intolerable cramps, accompanied by excessive bloating and the production of excessive abdominal gas that doesn’t go away.
  • Fatigue
    While it’s common for everyone to feel tired occasionally, prolonged periods of tiredness and lethargy, accompanied by excessive weakness, could be an indication of colon cancer. It’s important for one to visit a doctor to determine the cause of excessive fatigue.