5 Early Warning Signs That Indicate Cervical Cancer

5 Early Warning Signs That Indicate Cervical Cancer

One of the most life-threatening types of cancer that affect women, cervical cancer can be successfully treated if diagnosed in the early stages. Women need to watch out for the early signs of this disease so that they can get timely treatment. Here are five early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer that women should know about:

Vaginal bleeding
One of the early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, vaginal bleeding is common during menstruation. However, bleeding at any other time must not be ignored. Abnormal bleeding may not be in the form of flowing blood but can be in the form of spots, and one should visit a doctor immediately if they notice this.
Bleeding in between menstrual cycles can be a sign of cervical cancer, but heavy or longer bleeding than usual could also be an early warning sign of cervical cancer. In most cases, it could be due to other reasons, but it’s always better to be safe and visit a doctor to rule out the possibility of serious conditions like cervical cancer.
Bleeding after sexual intercourse or bleeding followed by episodes of fatigue or feeling faint are other warning signs to watch out for. Additionally, bleeding after menopause is not normal, and women should consult a doctor if that happens or if they experience excessive vaginal discharge or foul-smelling discharge.

Pain during intercourse
Another early symptom of cervical cancer is pain during sexual intercourse. The presence of a tumor could cause such pain, and it can be a symptom of cervical cancer.

Pain in the back, pelvis, or leg
Cervical cancer can cause pain in different parts of the body, but it most commonly affects the pelvic region or in the back. The pain can be due to the tumor, and it is significant if it occurs frequently.
Usually, pain occurs after the tumor starts spreading, and it may cause pain in the appendix when the disease advances. The tumor may press against nerves in the pelvic region, which can cause pain in the leg. This is a serious symptom of cervical cancer that must not be neglected.

Urinary problems
Increased frequency of urination, increased urge to urinate, and pain during urination are all early signs of cervical cancer. Although they can also be caused by infections, it is important to rule out cervical cancer as a cause.

Abdominal bloating
Abdominal bloating can occur in women with cervical cancer, and it may be accompanied by symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and constipation. If bloating is observed with any other warning sign, it must be taken seriously.

Women must watch out for these early warning signs and symptoms of cervical cancer and immediately visit a doctor for a diagnosis if they notice them.