5 Guilt-Free Snacks That You Can Make at Home

5 Guilt-Free Snacks That You Can Make at Home

Eating right is super important for people battling high cholesterol. Some might be tempted to skip snacks altogether, but eating small bites between meals is necessary to maintain blood sugar levels and a healthy metabolism. In this article, you can find a list of five guilt-free snacks for high cholesterol patients that are tasty, easy to make, and good for your overall health.

The humble popcorn is one of the best guilt-free snacks for high cholesterol patients. The American Heart Association considers popcorn as whole grains, and they are also rich in fiber. In fact, popcorn contains more fiber than brown bread or rice and can actually help lower cholesterol and not just manage it. To make sure the snack is low-calorie, prepare it without butter, salt, or cheese and consume it in moderation. It is recommended you air pop or microwave the popcorn kernels. If you want, a dash of olive oil and herbs can be added for flavor.

Fruit smoothie
If you are craving something sweet, try making a fruit smoothie with almond milk. It is one of the guilt-free snacks for high cholesterol patients and is quite easy to make. All you need to do is throw in some berries and a sliced banana in a food processor, add almond milk and blend till you get a creamy consistency. The almond milk is rich in healthy fats and the berries in antioxidants. A glass of this smoothie contains approximately 162 calories and helps reduce LDL cholesterol.

Another simple, yummy snack for those with high cholesterol levels to enjoy guilt-free are nuts, especially almonds and walnuts. In fact, research shows that almonds are rich in good monounsaturated fatty acids and not only help in lowering bad cholesterol but also prevent the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) from oxidizing. Since nuts are rich in calories, it is advised to consume them in small quantities. The American Heart Association recommends a serving size of ¼ cup of nuts every day. You can even make trail mix by adding seeds, dried fruits, and a dash of dark chocolate to the nuts. Again, it is essential to check the portion sizes when you eat.

Homemade dip with veggies
Veggies like celery, carrots, etc., are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber while being low in fat, sodium, calories, and other contributors to high cholesterol. To create guilt-free snacks for high cholesterol patients, you can pair these veggies with homemade dips like hummus and guacamole. Make hummus at home with chickpeas, olive oil, and tahini sauce and pair it with celery sticks or vegetable crudites. Or use avocados to blend lip-smacking guacamole that you can consume with carrot sticks instead of tortilla chips.

Oatmeal isn’t just a breakfast food. People with high cholesterol (or anyone, really) can eat it as a snack in between meals. Oatmeal is rich in soluble fiber that soaks up bad cholesterol and helps it move through the digestive tract instead of being absorbed in the body. Eating a bowl of oatmeal can aid in the excretion process. It makes the fiber link with bile acids and forces the liver to produce more bile. This process also helps reduce LDL levels in the body.