5 Lifestyle Changes for Multiple Sclerosis

5 Lifestyle Changes for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a severe disease of the nerves. It is a progressive disease whose symptoms worsen with time, and there is no permanent cure for it. The disease has to be managed, and one of the ways to do it is through lifestyle changes. The article lists out five lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis.

Be physically active
One of the lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis is to be physically active. Being active is very beneficial as it helps the patient remain fit. It also helps in managing symptoms of this condition. Exercise can help in improving flexibility and balance, which are problems that patients face.

Exercise can also help deal with symptoms like constipation, cognitive issues, and sleep-related disorders. The advice of a doctor can be taken to plan an exercise routine. It is recommended to exercise for at least 150 minutes every week if moderate exercise is done.

Exercise the brain
Apart from exercising the body, it is important to keep the brain fit and healthy. Since multiple sclerosis can affect brain functioning, being mentally active is important. Taking up mentally challenging tasks is important to improve brain functioning and cognition.

Memory games, crossword puzzles, solving simple math problems, playing word games, or just reading a book can keep the brain healthy and fit.

Give up smoking and alcohol
Smoking and alcohol consumption must be given up by those who have multiple sclerosis. Smoking can aggravate symptoms of the disease. Alcohol consumption can lead to different kinds of problems. It is important to commit to giving up smoking and alcohol consumption.

Diet plays a key role
Diet plays a fundamental role in the treatment of MS. Diet helps in keeping fit and improving immunity. A balanced diet that is low in fat and high in fiber is recommended. This can help in solving problems like high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and can help in weight loss. It is recommended to include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in the diet. Legumes, nuts, seeds, and lean meat are recommended to be included in the diet.

Apart from consuming healthy food, unhealthy food should be avoided. Salty food, processed food, foods high in sugar content, food that has a high amount of saturated fat, and fried food should be avoided to improve health.

Probiotics and supplements
Probiotics are found in yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir. These contain good bacteria that aid digestion. Apart from improving digestion, good bacteria prevent the growth of bad bacteria that causes infections. Supplements can be helpful for those suffering from MS. Vitamin D is helpful. Including milk, fortified cereals, and orange juice is recommended along with supplements. Biotin is a supplement recommended for those having MS. 100 to 600 mg Biotin per day is recommended. Antioxidant supplements can also be helpful.

The lifestyle changes for multiple sclerosis described in this article can be tried out by those who have this condition. These lifestyle changes can help patients manage their symptoms better.