6 Effective Tips to Remove Hair at Home

6 Effective Tips to Remove Hair at Home

Excess body hair can be a problem. Thankfully there are home methods to remove hair that are cheaper and less painful than the commercial ones. Let’s take a look at the six at home hair removal tips that are effective and easy to use.

Use papaya and turmeric
One of the effective hair removal tips used at home is to use papaya and turmeric. Make a paste by mashing pieces of raw papaya and mixing it with half a spoon of turmeric powder. Apply this paste to areas where you have excess hair on the face. Papain in papaya can damage hair cuticles and make it fall.

Massage the paste gently and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Do it at least twice a week.

Lemon juice and sugar
Make a mixture using lemon juice and sugar and add little water to this. Make a paste and then apply it to areas where there is excess hair. The paste sticks to the hair, and when you pull it out with a strip, the hair comes out easily. You can do this at least thrice a week.

You can do this more effectively by heating the mixture in a pan. Cool it and becomes like a wax that can be applied and then peeled off. Peel in the direction opposite to hair growth. Wash with warm water.

Use a pumice stone
One of the natural methods you can use to remove hair, especially on the hands and feet is a pumice stone. Take a dry stone and rub it on dry skin using circular movements. The stone would cling to hair and pull them out.

Using an egg
You can use an egg to remove hair. This is how you can do it. Mix egg white with half a spoon of cornflour and a spoonful of sugar. Apply this mixture on your face. Let it be a thin layer so that it works well.

Allow it to set for around 15 minutes. Peel off the egg mask gently from the skin. Wash your face with warm water. The egg layer clings to hair and helps to pull it off.

Potato and lentil
No, you are not cooking anything but using potato and lentil to remove hair. Soak lentils overnight and make a paste of it. Make a paste of an unpeeled potato using a food processor. Press this paste to extract the juice. Mix the juice with lentil paste. Add a spoon of honey and lemon juice to it and mix well.

Apply like a mask and leave it on for 20 minutes. Pull off the mask, and facial hair also falls off. You can do this twice a week.

Oatmeal and banana
A paste made from mashed banana mixed with two spoons of oatmeal can be applied. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wash with cold water. Repeat twice a week for best results.

These at-home hair removal tips are simple, safe, painless, and effective. You can try out these tips and check them out.