8 Natural Remedies to Cure Cold and Flu

8 Natural Remedies to Cure Cold and Flu

Viral infections cause the cold and flu. They cannot be cured by antibiotics, and the only way to treat them is by managing the symptoms. Natural remedies can be very helpful in managing the symptoms of cold/flu. The article lists out eight natural remedies for cold and flu.

One of the natural remedies for cold and flu is ginger. This is a spice that is anti-inflammatory. It can help deal with the symptoms of cold, like sore throat and cough. The best way of consuming ginger is by preparing ginger tea, which can be drunk three to four a day until the symptoms resolve.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is beneficial in treating the symptoms of flu or cold. Vitamin C is available in citrus fruits and in leafy greens. It would be helpful to take vitamin C as a supplement. It can provide relief from symptoms and also boost immunity.

Garlic is a spice that has antimicrobial properties. It can be very helpful in treating coughs. Chewing on garlic pods releases the juice, which can help in reducing cough. Apart from its use in treating the cold and flu, it can help prevent the cold.

Steam inhalation
One of the most effective treatments for cold and flu is steam inhalation. It can provide relief from the symptoms of a cold by loosening mucus. Adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil to water and then heating it can be particularly helpful. The steam can be inhaled three to four times a day, and it loosens mucus and provides a lot of relief from headache and cough.

Hot liquids
Chicken soup is a well-known remedy for the cold. It is not just chicken soup but any hot liquid that can provide relief from cold and flu symptoms. The hot liquid helps to reduce inflammation and produces a soothing effect on the throat. It can reduce mucus and provide relief from wheezing.

Saltwater gargling
Cold and flu can cause a sore throat. Gargling in warm water mixed with salt can be very helpful in getting relief from a sore throat. The saltwater can kill pathogens in the mouth and provide relief from inflammation. It can be done once every three or four hours until relief from symptoms is obtained.

Probiotics contain good bacteria that help digestion. Apart from aiding digestion, good bacteria can help in improving natural immunity. Yogurt is a good probiotic to consume.

Honey is a great natural remedy to treat cough. It is also helpful in reducing the symptoms of a cold. Honey can be mixed in hot water with a little lemon juice and consumed. It soothes the mucus membranes to provide relief from cough.

The natural remedies for cold and flu listed in this article can be very helpful in managing the symptoms of cold and flu. These remedies are safe, do not cause side effects, and can improve immunity.