Foods that Trigger Eczema Flare Ups

Foods that Trigger Eczema Flare Ups

Eczema is a type of atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin condition that causes symptoms of inflamed, itchy, dry, scaly skin. Eczema is both uncomfortable and oftentimes embarrassing to sufferers who may have visible areas of inflamed flaky skin on hands and legs or even on the face. Eczema is often caused by asthma or an allergic reaction, however, several foods can also trigger an eczema flareup, such as:

1. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are not recognized universally as being a trigger for eczema symptoms, but in some individuals they have been known to bring on a flare up. The general medical assessment is that acidic fruits such as citrus have no proven connection. There are, however, many eczema sufferers who list citrus as a trigger. Sufferers may then find it useful to test out if they are triggered by citrus by using an elimination diet.

2. Dairy
An intolerance to dairy products is not uncommon and those who are lactose intolerant may find milk triggers skin issues as well. Usually dairy affects the digestive system in those with an allergy but if they are prone to skin conditions it may also worsen symptoms.

3. Gluten or wheat
An intolerance to gluten and wheat is known as Celiac Disease, which is generally characterized by inflammation of the digestive system. Those who suffer from this allergy and also have dermatological issues may also find that their skin irritation can be worsened by eating wheat products that contain gluten.

4. Soy
A common alternative for dairy is soy with a growing trend in soy milks which are thought to be healthier for you. Soy does have a number of health benefits but it also can be an allergen to some people. Those with an allergy to soy products and skin issues will likely find that consumption of soy products can worsen rashes. Some studies have shown a marked improvement in some eczema sufferers who cut soy products from their diets.

5. Spices and tomatoes
The specific issue with certain spices and tomatoes is that the plants involved are related to the Nightshade family of plants. This means they are related to the poison known as deadly nightshade which is highly toxic. Edible plants of this family though are of course safe to eat but still can be harmful to some. They do contain low levels of toxins which can cause inflammation and worsen eczema symptoms. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and potatoes are all in this family. Some spices such as cinnamon have actually been used to treat eczema in some Eastern cultures.

6. Peanuts
Another common allergen is peanuts and there has been a proven link between infant eczema and the development of certain allergies such as peanuts. Allergies to peanuts tend to cause inflammation and swelling as the body fights off the allergen. This can mean eczema sufferers may find their symptoms worsened by eating peanuts. Many allergies to peanuts are very severe so they are avoided by sufferers. Slight allergies may only produce a rash and skin irritation, however, so peanuts may be a consideration in an elimination diet.