Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Home Remedies for Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a condition where your eyes do not produce enough tears or the right quality of tears to lubricate your eyes properly. The symptoms of chronic dry eyes include eye redness, photosensitivity, scratchiness, discharge, and blurred vision. Dry eyes can be caused by certain medications, e.g., antihistamines, medical conditions such as lupus, and environmental factors. Simple home remedies for this condition include:

1. Drink more water
It is essential to remain properly hydrated for your eyes to be properly lubricated. This lubrication will help your eyes produce enough tears to get rid of dust particles and debris. To ensure you are well hydrated, take 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.

2. Include essential fatty acids in your diet
Consuming healthy fats assist the oil-making glands in your eyes to work more efficiently. These glands produce tears that reduce the symptoms of dry eyes. Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, and sardines are high in healthy omega-3 fats. Walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds, and some vegetable oils are also high in these omega-3 fats. To increase the intake of these fats, you can also use fish oil-supplements, under your doctor’s supervision.

3. Vitamin supplements
Vitamins A and B12 have been determined to be critical for eye health. Inadequate levels of vitamin D have also been associated with dry eye syndrome. Vitamins like Riboflavin and Niacin are also essential for the health of your eyes. To avoid dry eyes and other eye issues, uptake of these vitamins can be done through a balanced diet or vitamin supplements.

4. Eyedrops, ointments, and gels
Another remedy employed to reduce the symptoms of chronic dry eyes is the use of eye drops. Prescription or over-the-counter eye drops like natural tears eye drops are sold as artificial tears. These eye drops can be administered a few times daily to ensure that eyes are well lubricated. To prevent irritation by these eye drops, choose one that does not contain preservatives as these preservatives could cause further irritation. Ointments and lubricating gels, when compared to eye drops, can provide longer-lasting relief. Unfortunately, due to their thickness, they can also affect your vision and should only be applied before going to bed. Using thicker ointments could, however, also make dry eyes worse by interfering with your meibomian glands.

5. Drink less alcohol
Over-consumption of alcohol, which causes dehydration, can also affect your eyes. Studies have linked the consumption of alcohol to dry eye syndrome. Reducing your alcohol intake can help you remain hydrated, hence keeping your eyes lubricated.

6. Use a humidifier
A humidifier can be used when the use of a heater or air conditioner has dried the air. This dry air also dries out the eyes. In case you do not have a humidifier, you can place a pan of water near your radiator or source of heat to maintain the moisture level in the air.

7. Quit smoking
The chemicals present in cigarette smoke can irritate your eyes. The composition that makes up your tears can also be changed through smoking. These factors put smokers at a higher risk of dry eyes. If you are a smoker, it would be beneficial to quit. Non-smokers are also advised to avoid areas with heavy smoking.

The home remedies mentioned above can provide relief from dry eyes. However, if your symptoms persist or worsen, kindly consult a doctor.