Superfoods to Avoid High Cholesterol

Superfoods to Avoid High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is an oil-based component that is intrinsically produced in the liver but can also be obtained extrinsically through the foods we eat. It doesn’t mix with blood as blood is water based while it is oil-based. Once it is produced or ingested, it travels in the body in the form of lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol and they are low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL).

Anyone who has tested high cholesterol can easily lower the levels by taking doctor-prescribed medications like repatha, praluent, and lipitor, and eating some superfoods which are known to lower cholesterol. The key is to eat different foods which bring about different benefits that are known to ultimately lower the cholesterol levels. For instance some foods will bring forth soluble fiber which would bind with the cholesterol hence lower the cholesterol levels. Other superfoods deliver polyunsaturated fats that lower the LDL levels directly. The superfoods are:

1. Nuts
Consuming nuts has been proven to be beneficial to the heart and therefore lowering the LDL levels by a small percentage.

2. Foods filled with sterols and stanols
These foods include chocolate, margarine and orange juice. The sterols and stanols present in them help the body absorb cholesterol. Consuming such foods has been proven to lower the LDL levels by 10%.

3. Eggplant
The vegetable is filled with soluble fiber which is a component that lowers the LDL levels greatly

4. Fatty fish
It has been found out that eating fish twice or thrice per week can decrease the LDL levels as they decrease triglycerides in the bloodstream.

5. Soy
Soybeans can help decrease the levels of cholesterol by a significant percentage hence eating foods made from them can be very helpful.

6. Strawberries, apples, citrus fruits and grapes
The fruits above are rich in the soluble fiber, pectin. As mentioned earlier, soluble fibers lower LDL levels by combining with them and ensuring they have been eliminated from the body.

Eating all these foods is not guaranteed to treat high cholesterol, however, it can help improve cholesterol levels in combination with doctor-prescribed treatments.

What is LDL vs. HDL cholesterol?
Cholesterol that is in the form of HDL is good and healthy to the individual while the one in LDL form is unhealthy as it can lead to severe problems such as atherosclerosis which can lead to coronary heart disease. HDL cholesterol helps in getting LDL into the liver so that the latter could be eliminated. When taken in moderation, cholesterol can be beneficial as it has four major functions in the body. First and foremost, it stimulates the production of various hormones. It also provides an avenue for the body to synthesize vitamin D. Additionally, it is involved in producing the bile and lastly it is a major component in the structural aspect of cell walls.

High cholesterol is primarily brought about by consuming too much fat which is converted to LDL cholesterol and this puts you in a position whereby the likelihood of you getting a stroke, heart attack and other heart related problems. Cholesterol levels can be managed through limiting our fat intake and some foods which are known for having high cholesterol such as meat. Other factors that lead to having high blood LDL levels are genetics and obesity. People suffering from diseases such as diabetes, underactive thyroid gland and polycystic ovary syndrome have a greater chance of developing high cholesterol levels.