Superfoods to Keep Blood Sugar Low for Diabetics

Superfoods to Keep Blood Sugar Low for Diabetics

Type 2 diabetes (typically known as adult-onset diabetes) is a metabolic disease that occurs when the body is no longer able to properly metabolize glucose (sugar) in the blood. In contrast to that of type 1 diabetes where patients are unable to produce the insulin that ushers glucose into the blood cells, type 2 diabetes is characterized as being the body’s inability to either produce sufficient levels of insulin or the body’s inability to react to the effects of the insulin that it produces.

Being that individuals with type 2 diabetes don’t possess the biological ability to respond to insulin (the hormone responsible for supplying cells with the fuel supply of glucose), common symptoms of type 2 diabetes will include excessive fatigue, hunger, increased thirst, blurred vision, frequent urination, and poor wound healing. Fortunately, there are several superfoods that people can consume to help combat the high levels of blood sugar associated with type 2 diabetes:

1. Leafy greens: rich in vitamin C
It is extremely beneficial for diabetics to include leafy greens like kale, spinach, arugula, lettuce, and cabbage within their diet because these superfoods are both rich in vitamin C (aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels) and excellent sources of antioxidants (compounds that prevent/slow cell degeneration). In regards to individuals suffering from the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, consuming leafy greens help to protect the health of the eye and heart—two vital organs that are commonly affected by the disease.

2. Fatty fish: inflammation reducer
Consuming fatty fish like herring, salmon, anchovies, and sardines is an excellent diet alternative for type 2 diabetics because fatty fish provide omega-3 fatty acids (building blocks responsible for regulating heart health). In addition to protecting and enhancing the function of blood vessels and arteries, consuming fatty fish on a regular basis lowers the risk of heart failure and helps to increase the metabolism of diabetics due to the feeling of fullness that the high source of protein provides.

3. Chia seeds: high in fiber
Chia seeds are a superfood that are proven to be most beneficial to individuals living with type 2 diabetes because their extremely high fiber content aid in lowering abnormally high blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption rate of food in the body. Chia seeds are also known to reduce blood pressure and excessive hunger—two conditions that often arise from the onset of the disease.

4. Nuts: low in digestible carbs
In addition to containing fiber and having low digestible carbs, consuming nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds, pecans, etc.) on a daily basis has been proven to both reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar levels. Moreover, being that diabetics with type 2 diabetes are shown to have higher levels of insulin, the reduction in insulin levels that nuts provide is critical because it further reduces the risk for the development of other chronic diseases like cancer.

5. Apple cider vinegar: improves insulin sensitivity
Apple cider vinegar is indeed a superfood that has been deemed to be a staple in the diets of health-conscious people for many years. As well as having the beneficial properties of lowering blood sugar levels, reducing hunger, and improving insulin sensitivity, studies have shown that consuming apple cider vinegar with meals help to slow the body’s blood sugar response by a calculated 20%–a find that renders apple cider vinegar essential to the diets of type 2 diabetics.