Teeth Whitening Products to Promote Oral Health

Teeth Whitening Products to Promote Oral Health

Tooth whitening is a process that makes your teeth appear whiter, and it commonly includes bleaching and non-bleaching whitening products. Bleaching and whitening are often used interchangeably. However, bleaching is when a product contains bleach, and whitening means removing food and debris from your teeth without using bleach.

Teeth whitening is right for those with healthy and unrestored teeth and gums and is not recommended for everyone. Among the main teeth whitening products, there are kinds of toothpaste, OTC gels, whitening devices, strips, and others.

Here are the most popular teeth whitening products available that make a difference to your self-confidence and enhance face value:

Whitening toothpaste
Whitening toothpaste contains polishing and chemical agents or abrasives like hydrated silica and sodium/calcium bicarbonate that remove surface stains. They also work actively to eliminate active hydrogen peroxide to bleach your teeth. These types of toothpaste lighten your teeth by up to three shades. These products remove surface stains and don’t contain bleach.

OTC whitening strips and gels
One of the main teeth whitening products and among the best ones are peroxide-based whitening gels. They are applied directly to the surface of the teeth with a brush to promote whitening. There are whitening strips coated with peroxide-based whitening gel that is virtually invisible. The effects of both the products last for up to 4 months.

Whitening Rinses
These are the newest whitening products that work to whiten your teeth in the shortest period. Whitening rinses are also beneficial to freshen breath, reduce dental plaque, and eliminate gum diseases. Some of these products also have bleaching agents that whiten teeth for up to 3 shades. You can use it as a mouthwash before brushing for the results to appear in about six weeks.

In-Office Whitening
It’s the quickest way to whiten your teeth, where the doctor will apply the whitening product directly to your teeth. A combination of heat, laser, or special light is used to apply the whitening, and the results are visible within one day. A couple of sessions more will give you dramatic results, and this treatment is the most expensive whitening treatment.

Whitening trays
These teeth whitening products can be used at home. They have a significant percentage of bleach for enhanced results. Your dentist will create a custom-fitted application tray that fits your teeth perfectly. It’s made of flexible plastic, and the bleach stays in constant contact with your teeth for amazing results. It prevents your saliva from entering inside the tray and diluting the bleach, and the bleach stays in place to avoid irritating your gums. Avoid using OTC trays since they don’t fit properly. Bleach concentration is adjusted to your requirements, and you will be given a desensitizing agent before/after the application.

Whitening light devices
Your dentist will apply a whitening agent directly to your teeth and will enhance its penetration using a blue LED light. You will enjoy quicker results that are highly effective since the ingredients make full contact with your teeth.