Top Foods That Trigger Migraines

Top Foods That Trigger Migraines

There are no universal triggers for migraines, the Migraine Research Foundation suggests that a combination of food triggers and other factors (lack of sleep, medication, hormone fluctuations, etc.) can bring about a migraine attack. Sometimes, even skipping a meal can be a trigger for migraines. In this article, we list the top foods that trigger migraines.

One of the top foods that trigger migraines is cheese, especially those aged for a longer time. As the cheese ages, it causes proteins to break down, producing a compound called tyramine, a known trigger for migraines. If the cheese is aged for long, the tyramine level will be high. Some of the cheese varieties that are high in tyramine include feta, blue cheese, parmesan, mozzarella, brie, cheddar, and Swiss cheese.

While caffeine can lead to headaches, you should not cut it off from your diet completely, as the sudden withdrawal can trigger migraines as well. The Migraine Research Foundation suggests that small doses of caffeine can help pause migraine attacks or provide relief from headaches. It is advised to limit your caffeine intake to 200 milligrams a day. Tea, coffee, sodas, and even chocolates are some food items that contain caffeine.

Monosodium glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate or MSG is one of the top foods that trigger migraines. About 10 to 15 percent of people suffering from migraines list MSG as a trigger, and it is known to start headaches within 20 minutes of consumption. MSG is one of the main components of soy sauce and frequently added to fast food as a flavor enhancer. While shopping, you need to look out for ingredients that say “all-natural preservatives” or “hydrolyzed protein,” as it means the product contains MSG.

Fermented and pickled food
Among the top foods that trigger migraines, fermented and pickled food, like aged cheese, contain high levels of tyramine. Some pickled and fermented foods to avoid include kimchi, pickles, kombucha, pickled jalapenos, and other pickled vegetables.

Cured meats
Another known trigger for migraines is consuming cured meats. Food items like hot dogs, bacon, ham, sausage, and deli meats contain artificial preservatives called nitrates that are added to preserve flavor and color. These nitrates, on consumption, release nitrate oxide in the blood, which leads to the widening of blood vessels in the brain.

Perhaps the most common migraine trigger, alcohol leads to dehydration, leading to the development of headaches. It is common that at least 25 percent of people suffering from migraines say that red wine and beer trigger headaches when consumed.

Apart from containing caffeine, a known migraine trigger, chocolate is also rich in beta-phenylethylamine, which causes headaches by altering the blood flow in the brain. The American Migraine Foundation says that it’s the second best-known trigger for migraines after alcohol, and it affects about 22 percent of individuals suffering from migraines.

Additional foods
Apart from those mentioned above, some other food items that are known to trigger migraines include ice cream, nuts, dairy products, artificial sweeteners like aspartame, fatty foods, citrus fruits, beans, bananas, and corn.